Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh Boy...

After seeing the first four races of the night turn into disappointment for the Outlaws, it looked to be a long night ahead. And it did prove to be. More red-lighting than we can remember in recent showdowns, it looked like the Outlaws were overly anxious to knock down some more wins.

Lynn Johnston makes it to the quarter-finals, while Walt Templeton and Roger Squire make it to the semi's. Good Job!

PSI Racing had a killer night of racing, with 2 in the winner's circle and one runner up, they take over the lead by 13 points. They obviously came to race. The Naughty Girls also came to race, climbing to within 91 points of the Outlaws.

So, it looks like the Outlaws will have to put on their racin' faces August 1st and bring all their guns to bear!


Ruthless said...

Good job on the blog. Come on Outlaws settle down and get get your first place status back. I know you can do it.

Ruthless said...

Good job on the blog. Come on Outlaws settle down and get get your first place status back. I know you can do it.

Anonymous said...

awesome Kathleen.... keep up the good work, I'll work on the E's