Friday, July 3, 2009
Bracket #1W: Lucas Liese, A-Team ('65 Nova) .013, 10.56, 125.94 (10.53 dial).
R/U: John Smith, Mopars Unlimited ('70 GTX) .070, 11.74, 11.73 (114.03 dial).
Semi's: Randy Williamson, Melba Outlaws ('70 Vega); Melissa Jarboe, Naughty Girls ('73 Vega).
Qtr’s: Steve Pyburn, Melba Outlaws; Carl Youngstrom, PSI Racing; Molli Wingert, Naughty Girls; Kenton Johnson, Mopars Unlimited.
Bracket #2W: Debbie Phillips, Bowtie Bandits ('77 Nova) .065, 12.35, 108.82 (12.30 dial).
R/U: Joe McDonald ('79 Olds) – disqualified-tech infraction.
Semi's: Greg Davis, Hot T & C ('83 Ranger).
Qtr’s: Ron Clubb, Notorious; Mark McDonald, Mopars Unlimited; Terry Phillips, Bowtie Bandits.
Bracket #3W: Ryan DuBois, Idaho Diesel Power ('05 Silverado) .117, 14.50, 92.10 (14.66 dial).
R/U: Tyson Young, Neighbors Nightmare ('77 Trans Am) -.118 foul, 13.59, 98.56 (13.54 dial).
Semi's: Sue Reynolds, Naughty Girls ('79 Camaro);
John Burgess, Melba Outlaws ('79 Dodge).Qtr’s: Scott Downard, PSI Racing; Kristi Shawver, Naughty Girls; Justin Shumway, Hot Shots.
Bracket #4W: Kevin Mays, PSI Racing ('79 Grand Prix) .054, 14.10, 98.02 (13.98 dial).
R/U: Ed Wong, Valley Corvettes ('01 Corvette) -.027, 13.03, 108.68 (13.00 dial).
Semi's: Josh Sherrill, Melba Outlaws ('68 GMC); Stephanie Meimann, Modern Rodders ('95 Mercedes).
Qtr’s: Bob LaCoy, Valley Corvettes; Kevin Griffin, Idaho Club 3800; Cody Post, Neighbors Nightmare.
Bracket #5W: Eric Edvalson, Melba Outlaws ('94 Ford) .318, 18.02, 71.74 (18.01 dial).
R/U: Anthony Howell, Melba Outlaws ('69 Cougar) .250, 17.05, 82.07 (16.95 dial).
Semi's: Norma Petty, Mopars Unlimited ('71 Cuda).
Qtr’s: Carolynn Petty, Mopars Unlimited; Kevin Petty, Mopars Unlimited; Dan Thweat, Neighbors Nightmare.
It looks like Joe McDonald ('79 Olds Bracket #2) was disqualified in Friday's race due to a tech infraction. It is our understanding there may be some points adjustments for the Silver Club Teams due to this infraction. Stay tuned for further updates. In any case, the
Melba Outlaws had a fantastic night and are closing in on their first place goal!
The next stop in the six-race series will be staged on Friday night, August 7th.