Monday, July 14, 2008

Just a Note...

Some of the Outlaws have begun putting the Club Letter on the driver's side window. This makes it easier for those of us in the grandstands to identify all the drivers we want and need to be rooting for. The announcing can be quite "spotty" to say the least, and we don't all know who all the Outlaws are. So, for those of you who haven't heard, we would sure appreciate it if you would help us out by adding the big letter "E" to your driver's side window. Thanks a bunch!

I've changed the blog format so you no longer have to jump through hoops to comment. So, please do! I need the feedback. Thanks again!


Ruthless said...

Good job on the blog. Come on Outlaws, settle down and get your first place standing back. Not used to seeing you any pace lower than numero uno.

Melanie said...

That is a great idea! We were noticing at the last race that they don't usually announce during brackets 4 and 5, so it is hard to tell when our fellow members are racing when there is no letter on the window. Thanks for the reminder!